Working Papers

"Superstar Firms through the Generations", with Yueran Ma and Kaspar Zimmermann, July 2024. [Slides]

"The Uneven Welfare Costs of the Volcker Disinflation", with Hannah Rubinton, April 2023.  Revision invited at JPE: Macro.

"Taxes, Private Equity and Evolution of Income Inequality in the U.S." with Sebastian Dyrda, August 2019  [EM3C Slides] [MWM]


"The Rise of Pass-Throughs: An Empirical Investigation", with Sebastian Dyrda

Economic Journal, forthcoming.

Published version | Online appendix | Replication files | Download 1982-2015 TLFO transitions

"Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit", with Fatih Karahan and Ayşegül Şahin

American Economic Review, Volume 114(7), July 2024, Pages 1986-2023.

Published version  |  Online appendix  |  Replication files  |  New York Fed Staff Report 888  |  NBER Working Paper w25874  | [EF&G Slides] [ZEW]

"The Nature of Firm Growth", with Petr Sedlacek and Vincent Sterk

American Economic Review, Volume 111(2), February 2021, Pages 547-79.

Published version  Online appendix  | Replication files  |  Download autocovariance moments  |  CEPR Discussion Paper DP12670

"Grown-up Business Cycles", with Ayşegül Şahin

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 32(3), March 2019, Pages 1102–47. 

Published version  |  Online appendix  |  Replication files  |  New York Fed Staff Report 707  

"Older and Slower: The Startup Deficit's Lasting Impact on Productivity Growth", with Titan Alon, David Berger, and Rob Dent 

Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 93, January 2018, Pages 68-85.

Published version  |  Online appendix  |  NBER Working Paper w23875  

"Do Job to Job Transitions Drive Wage Growth over the Business Cycle", with Fatih Karahan, Ryan Michaels, Ayşegül Şahin, and Rachel Schuh 

American Economic Review: P&P, Volume 107(5), May 2017, Pages 353-57.

Online appendix  |  Replication files  

"The Role of Startups in Structural Transformation", with Rob Dent, Fatih Karahan, and Ayşegül Şahin

American Economic Review, P&P, Volume 106(5), May 2016, 

Online appendix  |  Replication files  |  New York Fed Staff Report 762  

"Wealth, Tastes and Entrepreneurship", with Erik Hurst

Chapter in Measuring Entrepreneurial Businesses: Current Knowledge and Challenges, 2017

NBER Working Paper w21644  | BibTeX

"Are Household Surveys Like Tax Forms: Evidence from Income Underreporting of the Self-Employed", with Erik Hurst and Geng Li

Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume 96(1), March 2014, Page 19-33

Published version | Online appendix  |  Replication files  | NBER Working Paper w16527  

"What do Small Businesses Do?",  with Erik Hurst

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011

Replication files  |  NBER Working Paper w17041  

"The Mistake of 1937: A General Equilibrium Analysis" with Gauti Eggertsson

Monetary and Economic Studies, Volume 24(S1), Dec 2006, Pages 151-190.

Published Comments

"Comment on `Structural Transformation and the Rise of Information Technology' by Gallipoli and Makridis"

Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 97, August 2018, Pages 111-15.

Published version  | Replication files  

Research in Progress


Other writing